Delivery Information

We use DPD to ship parcels

A tracking email is sent to the address used with the order that will include a timed delivery slot.

Should a parcel be returned as a result of failed delivery, a £9+ VAT surcharge is applied by the courier and will be passed to the customer. Any refused deliveries also incur this charge. For Ireland this charge is £16.81 + VAT. 

We do not permit the use of safe place, alternative delivery address requests to DPD, lockers, lockers or neighbour deliveries for our orders. Any request to use these options is at your own risk. DPD do also reserve the right to use them if nobody is available to receive delivery so we recommend contacting DPD to amend your slot if not suitable. You receive a 1 hour delivery slot and can arrange for another day should when they plan to deliver not be convenient- this must be done via telephone to DPD not the app. Deliveries may be made on weekends but they attempt delivery twice, usually one working day from dispatch and again the next working day.

In case of delivery in a Safe Place, the Delivery Scan Record shall be evidence of delivery of the Parcel, whether to the requested safe place or an alternative decided by the courier. These are the terms you agree to when requesting this via DPD or by placing an order as we use their service and are bound by their terms.

Any issues with delivery should be reported within 24 hours before use since any used product is exempt from return under any circumstances.